The Airts Burns Club was established in 1934 and held its meetings in the Railway Tavern in Prestonpans High Street (pictured above). In 1936 the Club affiliated to the World Burns Federation and was given Number 516 on the roll of clubs within the Federation.

In 1967 the club relocated to the Royal Musselburgh Golf Club (also pictured above) and in May 2016 relocated once more to the Prestoungrange Gothenburg, Prestonpans. The Annual Burns Supper and St. Andrew's Night Celebrations are held on the Saturdays closest to, or coincident with, the 25th of January and 30th of November each year. The Gothenburg Inn is likewise pictured above.

The object of this Club is the study of Scottish Literature etc. on the subjects pertaining to the Scottish life and character and assist the intellectual, moral and social improvement of members, social intercourse amongst kindred Clubs, encouragement of the young to learn the songs and poems of Burns by School Competition and Prizes, and to commemorate the Poet’s Birthday.